
골드만삭스 브리핑스 2022.4.28 구글번역

지금식량 미래식량 2022. 5. 5. 17:25

How China’s ‘Perfect Storm’ of Economic and Regulatory Headwinds Is Affecting Investors

중국의 경제 및 규제 역풍이 투자자에게 미치는 영향



Against a challenging macroeconomic backdrop, COVID-19 lockdowns and ongoing supply chain bottlenecks, investors are reevaluating their exposure to China. “We are in a ‘perfect storm’ situation where we have a number of economic and regulation headwinds all going against the market at the same time,” Goldman Sachs Research’s Kinger Lau, chief China equity strategist, tells host Allison Nathan on the latest episode of Exchanges at Goldman Sachs.


어려운 거시경제적 배경, COVID-19 잠금 및 지속적인 공급망 병목 현상에 대해 투자자들은 중국에 대한 노출을 재평가하고 있습니다. Goldman Sachs Research의 중국 주식 수석 전략가인 Kinger Lau는 최근 에피소드에서 "우리는 많은 경제 및 규제 역풍이 동시에 시장에 역풍을 일으키고 있는 '완벽한 폭풍' 상황에 처해 있습니다."라고 말했습니다. 골드만삭스의 거래소.

Coronavirus cases are still elevated. Given the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases, lockdown measures are at their most stringent levels since 2020, explains Hui Shan, Goldman Sachs Research’s chief China economist. “What is really going on right now — what we are seeing tracking daily information and varieties of indicators — is that the number of cases is still very elevated,” Shan says. “But at the same time, the number of places being impacted is declining.”





코로나 바이러스 사례는 여전히 증가하고 있습니다. 골드만 삭스 리서치의 중국 수석 이코노미스트인 Hui Shan은 최근 COVID-19 사례의 증가를 감안할 때 폐쇄 조치가 2020년 이후 가장 엄격한 수준에 있다고 설명합니다. Shan은 "현재 실제로 일어나고 있는 일, 즉 일일 정보와 다양한 지표를 추적하는 것을 보고 있는 것은 사례 수가 여전히 매우 높다는 것입니다."라고 말합니다. "그러나 동시에 영향을 받는 장소의 수는 감소하고 있습니다."

Do Chinese equities have room to rally? Chinese equites have been under pressure, trading below their historical averages, Lau notes. “China is still trading below our expected fair value and there could be potential for recovery in valuation down the road as long as a global recession could be avoided and some of these risks do not develop into bigger systemic problems.”


중국 주식은 랠리의 여지가 있습니까? 중국 주식은 역사적 평균 이하로 거래되면서 압박을 받고 있다고 라우는 지적합니다. "중국은 여전히 ​​우리의 예상 공정 가치 아래에서 거래되고 있으며 글로벌 경기 침체를 피할 수 있고 이러한 위험 중 일부가 더 큰 시스템 문제로 발전하지 않는 한 향후 가치 평가 회복 가능성이 있을 수 있습니다."

Expect slower economic growth. Investors have typically come to expect potential growth rates of 5% to 6% from China, Shan says. “But we think we might be settling into slower growth. Because you are trying to solve the housing access problem, because you're trying to solve your energy security problem or your regulatory objectives, when you're trying to achieve some other goals, there will be costs,” she says. “The costs to us will be slower economic growth.”


느린 경제 성장을 기대하십시오. 투자자들은 일반적으로 중국에서 5~6%의 잠재적 성장률을 기대하게 되었다고 Shan은 말합니다. “하지만 우리는 더 느린 성장에 안착할 수 있다고 생각합니다. 주택 접근 문제를 해결하려고 하기 때문에 에너지 안보 문제나 규제 목표를 해결하려고 하기 때문에 다른 목표를 달성하려고 할 때 비용이 발생할 것입니다.”라고 그녀는 말합니다. "우리에게 주는 비용은 경제 성장을 더디게 할 것입니다."


COVID-19, supply-chain issues, rising inflation, war in Ukraine — they all reinforce the need to build a more sustainable future, says Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO David Solomon in the firm’s 2021 Sustainability Report. “It’s the very complexity of the challenge that demands a holistic approach,” he says, pointing to how sustainability has been integrated across the firm’s businesses, its work with clients, operations and partnerships. This year’s report, titled “Progress Through Performance,” charts the firm’s most recent activity to advance sustainable economic growth and financial opportunity particularly across four key levers: technology, innovation, data and partnerships. This holistic, One GS, approach has helped accelerate Goldman Sachs’ efforts to meet its sustainability targets, which were announced in December of 2019. “Of our 10-year goal of $750 billion in sustainable finance activity,” Solomon writes, “we’ve achieved approximately $300 billion so far, including $167 billion in climate transition, $50 billion in inclusive growth and the remainder in multiple themes.”



골드만삭스의 데이비드 솔로몬 회장 겸 CEO는 2021년 지속가능성 보고서에서 코로나19, 공급망 문제, 인플레이션 상승, 우크라이나 전쟁 등 모두 지속 가능한 미래를 건설해야 할 필요성을 강화한다고 말했다. "전체론적 ​​접근이 필요한 것은 매우 복잡한 문제입니다." 그는 지속 가능성이 회사의 비즈니스, 고객과의 작업, 운영 및 파트너십 전반에 걸쳐 통합된 방식을 지적합니다. "성과를 통한 진행"이라는 제목의 올해 보고서는 기술, 혁신, 데이터 및 파트너십의 네 가지 핵심 요소에 걸쳐 지속 가능한 경제 성장과 재정적 기회를 증진하기 위한 회사의 가장 최근 활동을 차트로 표시합니다. 이러한 총체적인 One GS 접근 방식은 2019년 12월에 발표된 지속 가능성 목표를 달성하기 위한 Goldman Sachs의 노력을 가속화하는 데 도움이 되었습니다. 기후 변화에서 1,670억 달러, 포용적 성장에서 500억 달러, 나머지 여러 주제를 포함하여 지금까지 약 3,000억 달러를 달성했습니다.”



Against the backdrop of war in Ukraine, 2022 is seeing renewed focus on energy security as Europe grapples with how to restructure its supply to reduce its reliance on Russia. The crisis has revealed the challenge ahead for the world as it faces geopolitical conflict, efforts to decarbonize and high global inflation. Today, the energy industry is at turning point, with an expected increase in investment across commodities, including oil and gas, according to Top Projects, Goldman Sachs Research’s annual analysis of the energy sector. We spoke with Michele Della Vigna, head of Goldman Sachs’ natural resources research in EMEA, to learn more.


우크라이나 전쟁을 배경으로 2022년 유럽이 러시아에 대한 의존도를 줄이기 위해 공급을 재구성하는 방법을 고민함에 따라 에너지 안보에 다시 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 위기는 지정학적 갈등, 탈탄소화 노력, 높은 글로벌 인플레이션에 직면해 있는 세계가 직면한 과제를 드러냈습니다. Goldman Sachs Research의 에너지 부문 연간 분석인 Top Projects에 따르면 오늘날 에너지 산업은 전환점에 있으며 석유 및 가스를 포함한 원자재 전반에 대한 투자가 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다. Goldman Sachs의 EMEA 천연 자원 연구 책임자인 Michele Della Vigna와 이야기를 나누었습니다.

In Top Projects 2022, which GS Research has been publishing for nearly 20 years, you talk about an underinvestment in energy over the last seven years. What has this meant for the sector?


GS 리서치가 거의 20년 동안 출판해 온 Top Projects 2022에서 당신은 지난 7년 동안 에너지에 대한 과소 투자에 대해 이야기했습니다. 이것이 해당 부문에 어떤 의미가 있습니까?

Michele Della Vigna: There are three ways we can look at the depths of the underinvestment we have witnessed since 2015. Firstly, we can look at the reserve life in the sector. It used to be 50 years and it’s now declined to 25 on the back of falling oil reserves and increasing production. This shows the lack of focus in exploration and resource expansion on the back of the push for decarbonization.


Michele Della Vigna: 2015년 이후 목격한 과소 투자의 깊이를 볼 수 있는 세 가지 방법이 있습니다. 첫째, 해당 부문의 예비 수명을 볼 수 있습니다. 과거에는 50년이었으나 현재는 석유 매장량이 감소하고 생산량이 증가하면서 25년으로 감소했습니다. 이는 탈탄소화 추진의 이면에 탐사와 자원 확장에 대한 집중이 부족함을 보여줍니다.

The second way to look at it is to ask ourselves: How much future production have we lost because of all the delays in investment decisions on new oil and gas projects? The answer is 10 million barrels per day of oil, which is the equivalent of Saudi Arabia's daily production and 3 million barrels per day of oil equivalent in liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is more than the equivalent of Qatar's daily production. If we had not kept delaying new investment decisions in oil and gas since 2014, we essentially could have had a new Saudi Arabia and a new Qatar.


이를 살펴보는 두 번째 방법은 다음과 같이 자문해 보는 것입니다. 새로운 석유 및 가스 프로젝트에 대한 투자 결정이 지연되어 미래 생산량이 얼마나 줄어들었을까요? 정답은 하루 1000만 배럴의 석유로 사우디아라비아 일일 생산량과 맞먹는 양, 300만 배럴에 해당하는 액화천연가스(LNG)가 하루 300만 배럴로 카타르 일일 생산량보다 많다는 것이다. 2014년 이후로 석유 및 가스에 대한 새로운 투자 결정을 계속 미루지 않았다면 본질적으로 새로운 사우디 아라비아와 새로운 카타르를 가질 수 있었을 것입니다.

The third way is just to look at the billion dollar numbers. In upstream oil and gas, the industry at the peak was spending $900 billion dollars per annum which troughed at $300 billion dollars in 2020, so a two-thirds reduction in capex. These are three different ways to look at the issue but the answer is the same: We have exhausted all of the spare capacity in the system, and now we are no longer able to cope with supply disruptions like the one we are currently witnessing because of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.


세 번째 방법은 10억 달러의 숫자를 보는 것입니다. 업스트림 석유 및 가스 분야에서 정점의 산업은 연간 9000억 달러를 지출하고 있었고 2020년에는 3000억 달러를 저점으로 자본 지출이 3분의 2 감소했습니다. 문제를 바라보는 세 가지 다른 방법이 있지만 답은 같습니다. 시스템의 여유 용량을 모두 소진했으며 이제 더 이상 다음으로 인해 현재 목격하고 있는 것과 같은 공급 중단에 대처할 수 없습니다. 러시아-우크라이나 갈등.

Learn more about Top Projects and how investments in energy are changing here.
