영자신문으로 영어공부

[영자신문으로 영어공부] Consumers flock to indoor shopping malls to avoid heat (더위를 피해 실내 쇼핑몰로 몰려드는 소비자들)

지금식량 미래식량 2023. 8. 6. 14:55





A 33-year-old housewife named Lee Eun-ji has been making frequent visits to a department store nearby her home in Incheon with two children, not to shop, but to avoid scorching heat.


=> visit과 make visits의 의미 차이가 뭔지는 모르겠지만, 여튼 make를 visit과 같이 쓸 수 있다는 것을 알아둔다.





"I am afraid my children will suffer from heatstroke, so I only go to indoor places with air conditioning these days."




A 35-year-old businessman surnamed Yoon has also been spending most of his weekends at I'PARK Mall at central Seoul's Yongsan Station to save electricity at home and avoid the heat.


"The shopping center has everything from restaurants and coffee shops to a movie theater. 


Especially during summer, when people can get drained from walking long hours under the sunthere is no place better than a shopping center that keeps the air conditioning on 24/7.
=> 구글: 특히 여름에는 땡볕 아래서 장시간 걸어 다니느라 지칠 수 있으니 24시간 에어컨 가동되는 쇼핑센터만큼 좋은 곳은 없다.


People are rushing to department stores, multi-shopping centers and large discount stores to beat the heat as the country suffers from severe heat that has climbed as high as 36 degree Celsius in recent days.
=> 최근 섭씨 36도까지 치솟은 혹서에 몸살을 앓고 있는 사람들이 더위를 이기기 위해 백화점과 복합쇼핑몰, 대형마트로 몰려들고 있다.



Local retailers have renovated some of their event halls as playgrounds for children and pop-up stores for consumers to come and enjoy while avoiding the extreme weather.



 Hyundai Department Store said the number of visitors soared 30 percent over the last weekend compared to the previous one.
=> compared to 또 나왔다

Before, we've heard our parents' generation would go to commercial banks to enjoy the cool air-conditioned breeze.

=> 예전에 우리 부모님 세대는 시원한 냉방 바람을 즐기러 시중 은행에 가셨다고 들었습니다.


Nowadays, consumers are going to department stores and multi-shopping centers to avoid the heat," 

=> 요즘 소비자들은 더위를 피해 백화점과 멀티쇼핑몰을 찾는다”
