영자신문으로 영어공부

[영자신문으로 영어공부] More workers seek side jobs amid soaring living costs (치솟는 생활비 속 부업 찾는 노동자 늘어)

지금식량 미래식량 2023. 7. 29. 07:43

The Korea Times - Thursday, June 29, 2023



A 39-year-old office worker surnamed Park is considering opening a self-service laundromat business to secure a source of secondary income apart from his main occupation.


surname 성,  first name 이름


Although Park works for a major Korean business conglomerate, he is seeking to earn more money amid deepening economic uncertainties and rising living costs.


"Opening up unmanned shops has become a trend lately.

You can find an unmanned shop in most neighborhoods these days.


I myself am considering opening up an unmanned laundromat as it does not overlap with my main occupation and is a good secondary source of income," Park said.







unmanned의 반대는 manned이다.





Like Park, an increasing number of workers are seeking to find an additional source of income as the rising cost of living and high interest rates take a toll on their pocketbooks leading them to pursue side jobs as relying solely on the monthly salary from their main jobs is increasingly difficult.



점점~하다라는 표현을 일상에서 자주 쓰게 되는데 이때 increasingly를 쓰면 되겠다. 여기서는 점점 어려워지고 있다를 increasingly difficult로 썼다.













The prolonged economic downturn also poses a risk as companies face difficulties with even well-known firms such as Meta Platforms and Tesla cutting personnel expenses.

Having a stable second source of income, even if it is smaller than their main occupation, is seen as a way for employees to secure additional money in case their primary source is suddenly cut off, despite the government's goal of increasing the productivity of individual workers.


=> despite도 굉장히 잘 쓰이는 단어인데 라이팅이나 스피킹에서 좀처럼 생각해내기 어려운 단어다. 

인건비 : personnel expenses 





Millennials : 밀레니얼세대

1980년대 초(1980~1982년)부터 2000년대 초(2000~2004년)까지 출생한 세대를 일컫는다. 대학 진학률이 높고 청소년기부터 인터넷을 접해 모바일 및 소셜네트워크서비스 이용에 능숙하다.


밀레니얼의 M은 대문자로 쓰여졌다. 엠지 세대인 Generation Z도 G를 대문자로 썼다.




The situation in Korea is not much different. 

=> 한국의 상황도 별반 다르지 않다라는 표현. 이런 건 통으로 외워두는 게 좋겠다.



According to the "Status and Characteristics of Side Jobs" survey conducted by the Korea Employment Information Service, the number of individuals with side jobs is on the rise across all age groups, particularly among the highly educated.





While previous side jobs mainly served as a means for low-income individuals to make up for insufficient income from their main occupation, recent side jobs are spreading to groups classified as "high-quality jobs" by government standards.

From the perspective of companies, there is still a lack of acceptance of employees holding side jobs. Most companies include a clause prohibiting side jobs in their employment contracts.

"Moonlighting is considered a violation of internal personnel regulations as it not only breaches company policies but also hampers employees' focus on their primary responsibilities, adversely impacting the company's performance. Therefore, it should be thoroughly investigated and strictly prohibited," an official from a major conglomerate said.


adverse는 [어]가 아니라 [에]로 발음된다.


moonlight은 달빛인데 비격식적으로 쓰이는 재미있는 표현이 하나 더 있다. 

추가 소득에 대한 세금을 안 내고 은밀히 부업을 하다, 라는 뜻이다.



However, some industry officials believe it should be allowed as long as it does not interfere with daily tasks.

"We respect personal freedom as long as it does not interfere with work and does not violate company regulations.


However, we encourage avoiding side jobs if there is a possibility of violating regulations or causing harm to the company and colleagues," another official at a major conglomerate said.

Nevertheless, the number of people moonlighting in side jobs continues to rise.
